Guidance for populating and consuming the Diary Entry profile
The headings below list the elements of the Diary Entry (ProcedureRequest)
profile and describe how to populate and consume them.
Important: Any element not specifically listed below
MUST NOT be populated or consumed. A full list of elements not used is available
Data type: Id |
Optionality: Mandatory |
Cardinality: 1..1 |
The logical identifier of the Diary Entry (ProcedureRequest)
Data type: uri |
Optionality: Mandatory |
Cardinality: 1..1 |
The Diary Entry (ProcedureRequest)
profile URL.
Fixed value profile
Data type: Identifier |
Optionality: Mandatory |
Cardinality: 1..* |
This MUST be populated with a globally unique and persistent identifier (that is, it doesn’t change between requests and therefore stored with the source data).
This MUST be scoped by a provider specific namespace for the identifier.
Where consuming systems are integrating data from this resource to their local system, they MUST also persist this identifier at the same time.
Data type: Code |
Optionality: Mandatory |
Cardinality: 1..1 |
The provider MUST only include incomplete diary entries - that is, complete or cancelled MUST NOT be included.
The status
MUST only be active
Data type: Code |
Optionality: Mandatory |
Cardinality: 1..1 |
The intent
MUST only be plan
Data type: CodeableConcept |
Optionality: Mandatory |
Cardinality: 1..1 |
The planned event, action or activity.
Data type: Reference(Patient) |
Optionality: Mandatory |
Cardinality: 1..1 |
The patient the diary entry relates to.
Data type: Reference(Encounter) |
Optionality: Required |
Cardinality: 0..1 |
A reference to the consultation from which the diary entry originates - that is, the consultation which the diary entry was created within.
Data type: dateTime | Period |
Optionality: Required |
Cardinality: 0..1 |
The date or date range when the diary entry is planned to occur.
Data type: dateTime |
Optionality: Mandatory |
Cardinality: 1..1 |
The date the diary entry was entered into the original source system. This may be the audit or equivalent created date for the diary entry.
Data type: BackboneElement |
Optionality: Mandatory |
Cardinality: 1..1 |
The person or system who entered the diary entry into the original source system.
Data type: Reference(Practitioner | Organization | Device) |
Optionality: Mandatory |
Cardinality: 1..1 |
This MUST be the practitioner who entered the diary entry in the original source system, if it was entered by a user.
If the diary entry was system generated and it is not possible to meaningfully associate the diary entry to a system user then this MUST be a Device
representing the providing system or an Organization
representing the GP practice responsible for creating the record.
Data type: CodeableConcept |
Optionality: Optional |
Cardinality: 0..* |
The reason the action recorded in the diary entry is needed.
This is the trigger reason for the diary entry not the action of the diary entry.
Data type: Reference(Observation) |
Optionality: Optional |
Cardinality: 0..* |
Additional clinical information linked to the diary entry MAY be included, except a linked problem which MUST be included in the bundle as a ProblemHeader(Condition)
which references the diary entry, not vice versa.
Data type: Annotation |
Optionality: Required |
Cardinality: 0..* |
Free text narrative to describe the reason for the diary entry or the action / activity required by the diary entry.
This is for additional content beyond the code
and reasonCode
coded elements and is not intended to duplicate the content of those elements.
The following elements MUST NOT be populated:
Data type: CodeableConcept |
Data type: Boolean | CodeableConcept |
Data type: Reference(Organization) |
Data type: CodeableConcept |
Data type: Reference(Device | RelatedPerson | Patient | Organization | Practitioner | HealthService) |
Data type: Reference(Observation | Condition) |
A diary entry may have a linked problem which represents the reason for the diary entry.
This is required information where it exists, but the problem MUST be included and reference the diary entry.
The diary entry MUST NOT reference to the problem.
Data type: Reference(Specimen) |
Data type: CodeableConcept |
Data type: Reference(Provenance) |